Whenever you are looking to have a new loan, you must be very careful and pay special attention to the conditions and benefits that a loan offers. There are hundreds of types of credit, so if you see all of your options you can likely get the perfect one for you and the one that satisfies your needs at the moment: A Chase Plan
The amount of interest that you have to pay on your credit is one of the factors that you should take into account because sometimes a credit with too much interest can be detrimental to your financial situation in the long term.
In the case of “my chase plan”, it is a type of credit with which you can pay with a Chase credit card of at least $ 100 in fixed monthly installments without interest.
In this opportunity, here in safe loan, we will tell you everything you need to know about “my chase plan”
What is a Chase plan?
A Chase plan is an installment payment plan for eligible purchases on Chase credit cards.
This type of plan has the advantage that they do not charge interest, but you do have to pay a monthly fee.
You have the opportunity to even have up to 10 active plans at the same time. In addition, Chase offers one to three repayment plans, ranging from 3 to 18 months.
How does a Chase Plan work?
It is quite easy to set up my chase plan. What you need to do is log into your account and then Chase will allow you to choose between three eligible payment options.
Each payment option has different terms and conditions that vary depending on factors such as your creditworthiness and your account history.
As you go shopping with your plan, at the same time you qualify for rewards, so you don’t have to worry so much about sacrificing your credit points, miles, or refunds if you choose a plan.
We want to give you an example of how this plan would work if you put it into practice:
imagine that for some situation you need to invest in a product that costs around $500. When the purchase reaches your account, you should click on the transaction in your account’s purchase history so you can see which My Chase Plan options are available for that purchase or at that time.
If, for example, you choose a six-month plan, you would then have to pay about $83 per month, added to a monthly fee until you finish paying the cost of your product.
How are card payments applied when using a Chase plan?
In this case, the process is almost automatic, Chase will automatically add your monthly installment payment to your minimum credit card payment. In case you want to get out of debt a little faster and decide to pay an amount greater than the minimum required message, then you should look for the option called “interest savings balance”.
By choosing this option, you are allocating additional funds to new purchases and not to your installment plan and thus avoid interest charges.
If you decide to be subject to the minimum payment that corresponds to you by credit card every month, your debt or your chase plan will already be canceled as soon as the number of months you selected passes.
How to request a Chase plan?
If you are already a Chase cardholder, you don’t have to go through another application process for this plan, simply the plan options will appear in your account when you want to make a purchase.
Advantages and disadvantages of a Chase Plan
Like any other financial or credit plan, this plan has some advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into account before starting to use it.
Advantages of a chase plan
- It is easy to register and use it, it is as simple as just clicking on the transactions that are eligible depending on your purchase from your account and then choose the account plan that is most convenient for you.
- Before registering, you can review the rates that you can choose, to calculate the total cost of the payment plan and thus have a better vision to choose your type of plan.
- You don’t have to worry about refunds because when you use this credit, your minimum credit card payment also includes payment in installments, so you don’t have to worry about tracking a separate payment.
Disadvantages of a chase plan
- You need to be a Chase account holder to be able to choose a plan since not everyone can apply for an installment loan, but only people who are chase clients and have an account can do so.
- Unfortunately, the payment options are very limited, because you can only receive one payment term.